Science-fiction et fantasySarah, a streetwise hustler on the run from a lifetime of bad decisions, witnesses the suicide of a stranger who looks just like her. Sarah assumes her identity, hoping that cleaning out the dead woman’s bank account will solve all of her problems. Instead, the street smart chameleon is thrust headlong into a kaleidoscopic mystery. After taking on the new identity, Sarah quickly finds herself caught in the middle of a deadly conspiracy and must race to find answers.
DrameA la suite d'un scandale qui a conduit son politicien corrompu de mari en prison, Alicia Florrick reprend sa carrière d'avocate après une pause de 13 ans. Elle rejoint un prestigieux cabinet de Chicago dans lequel travaille son ami de longue date Will Gardner.
Science-fiction et fantasyDernier episode de la saison 2. Tyrion s'eveille dans une situation nouvelle. Le roi Joffrey distribue des recompenses a ses sujets. Tandis que Theon motive ses hommes, Luwin prodigue ses derniers conseils. Brienne fait taire Jaime ; Arya recoit un cadeau de Jaqen ; Dany se rend dans un endroit etrange ; Jon montre a Qhorin ce qu'il vaut.
DrameThe senior members of the White House staff are summoned to the office early in the morning to handle difficult situations: Hundreds of Cubans are on their way across the Atlantic Ocean in search of freedom; and klutzy President of the United States Josiah Bartlet accidentally sprained his ankle riding a bicycle into a tree. Some members of the staff experience crises of their own. Sam discovers the law student he slept with last night, Laurie, also works as a high-priced call girl. Josh's former lover and fellow campaign worker, Madeline "Mandy" Hampton, now dates and works for a senator who might vie for the office of Pr
DrameAvec l'aide de son fidele fils Cesare, l'astucieux Rodrigo Borgia accede a la papaute a force d'intimidations et de pots-de-vin a la mort du pape Innocent VIII en 1492. Pourtant, la corruption des Borgia alerte la noblesse italienne et Rodrigo fait des ambitieux cardinaux Della Rovere et Orsini des ennemis mortels, conduisant a une tentative d'assassinat atroce lors d'un gigantesque banquet.